Capture attention and grow your response rates tenfold with personalized greetings, customized invitations—and more.
Static direct mail campaigns are a thing of the past. The future of reaching ten times more mail recipients with the visual incentive of variable data imaging technology is now.
Didit DM puts the power of personalized text and imagery behind your direct mail campaign with innovative software and print management capabilities developed for the most effective personal outreach short of a one-on-one sales encounter.
Our variable data imaging team has the tools and technologies to integrate the same rich database driving your personalized direct mail campaign with your digital marketing outreach efforts including e-mail, social media, landing pages, and more. We are here to make business personal.
Didit DM has the technical know-how to deliver:
- Greater response
- Greater value and lower cost per response
- More repeat business
How we take variable data imaging to the next level:
- Sales-building personal URLS (PURLS)
- Personalized QR codes
- Customer-centric e-mails and texts
- Social media applications